short back and sides

美 [ˌʃɔːrt ˌbæk ən ˈsaɪdz]英 [ˌʃɔːt ˌbæk ən ˈsaɪdz]
  • n.盖式发型(脑后和两侧均剪得很短的男式发型)
short back and sidesshort back and sides


a way of cutting a man's hair so that the hair is very short at the sides and the back of the head

short back and sides


  • 1
    N-SING 盖式发型(脑后和两侧均剪得很短而头顶部头发较长的男式发型)
    If a man has a short back and sides, his hair is cut very short at the back and sides with slightly thicker, longer hair on the top of the head.

  1. Just give me short back and sides .


  2. Marcus : I 'm after a new look , so just give me short back and sides .


  3. He is a regular white bloke . Thick neck , short back and sides and unconvincing smile .
